HomeNewsBurnham and Highbridge pupils get standing ovations at sell-out shows

Burnham and Highbridge pupils get standing ovations at sell-out shows


Burnham-On-Sea and Highbridge students received a standing ovation on each night of their performances of hit musical Sister Act last week.

The annual King Alfred School Academy production has grown in popularity each year so much that the show was extended to a four-night run.

Sister Act is a huge show with a very big cast, lots of changes in location and many harmonies and difficult songs to learn for the students – but they handled it in their stride.

“The students have been absolutely incredible, working really hard to learn this show and are such a credit to the school, their families and the community,” says the school’s Holly Keeble.

“This is the largest cast and band we have to date and it has been brilliant to work with such passionate and enthusiastic students.”

“We have been very excited to showcase this show due to its high level of production and even higher level of performance.”

“Sister Act is a very challenging production with a huge cast, not mentioning the many set changes, harmonies and fast pace nature of the show.”

“Despite these demands, the cast and band have excelled and really risen to the occasion to produce an incredible production.”

“All of this being achieved in just four months rather than the usual six. Their efforts are testament to their passion for performance and we are so proud of their hard work and commitment throughout the process.”

“Without the countless amount of dedication from the entire team, this show would quite frankly not be able to be put on, nevermind be at the high standards we strive to achieve year on year.”

“We simply could not have put on this show without the support of some many staff who have given up their time to support our students, from helping with choreography and direction to sewing costumes, making programmes and more.”

She also thanked all those in the community who have sponsored the production through different hire and sponsorship.



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